The Nightstalker

Nia On Air
5 min readApr 20, 2020

About Richard Ramirez

Richard Ramirez was born on February 29th of 1960 in El Paso, Texas. Growing up in a home with four other children with hard-working immigrant parents. Richard Ramirez’s mother worked in a factory with respiratory issues making Richard Ramirez’s pregnancy very difficult. Richard grew up suffering from seizures. He was a good kid in school leading up to high school. Richard then 11 years old started hanging around a cousin named Miguel who served in the Vietnam war. Miguel would smoke weed with Richard and Miguel would go on to tell him horrible stories that he experienced in Vietnam. For example, he showed pictures of dead and mutilated bodies to Richard and even told him about a woman he raped and murdered. At a young age, Richard was a witness to his cousin Miguel murdering his wife. Showing him how to do a “successful” kill since he was trained. He decided to use his wife as a demonstration to Miguel. It is also said that Richard’s father was very abusive to the children and even had a pedophile who allegedly raped his older brother but, it’s stated that Richard was never a victim of the sexual assaults.

Around 13 years old Richard Ramirez started to change. He started going to graveyards to worship Satan, peeping into windows at night and started smoking weed. As he got to high school Richard was not the young innocent boy the other children in the neighborhood…



Nia On Air

Mental Health Survivor, Poetry Lover, Thought Speaker — Twitter: @Forever_Kesha21 Podcast on Anchor: